Hello there......Let me tell you a story....I do have some pictures that will be exciting! Here is my story about my new phone....our vacation to Pennsylvania....my need for change....and what God is currently doing in our lives.
This is my story.....
This is my new phone! :) (as of March)This is my story.....
I have currently waited over a year for my contract to be up to get this beautiful phone! You can ask just about anyone and they will tell you cell phones don't work in our family. We get one....it gets stolen...milk spilled on....lost....dead....run over....slammed in a car door and countless other ways you can ruin a cell phone. I've lived with hand me down cell phones for two years and I was so excited to be able to get this phone. It was a dream...(poor adam does not have one...so he is stuck using a pink razor:) HeeHee!
March '07 Adam and I took a trip to Pennsylvania without the kids. For his Birthday I got him Delirious? tickets. It is the one thing that he wanted real bad so I kept up with where they would be in the U.S. and bought the tickets for Pennsylvania.
Adam at this time also had his resume on line. We were beginning the process of finding another church. We hadn't been getting paid since November so we prayed and felt God's leading to start looking elsewhere. Well to our surprise a church was interested in us in Pennsylvania. The church was only an hour away....so we also set up an interview the same weekend. It was an exciting thing because we thought that maybe God was in this. All the figures seemed to fall into place. We prayed hard that we would know. We were supposed to drive down to Pennsylvania with another couple to go to the concert but since we had the interview the day before Adam and I took a train to Pennsylvania and met the couple at the concert. What fun it was to ride in a train! ALSO VERY EXHAUSTING! It was an experience I will never forget. We also got a nice tour of the whole state of Pennsylvania from a lovely young mennonite couple we rode next to the second half of the trip. It was fun! (Of course I got to sport my fancy new pick cell phone the whole way! How exciting! It was only 6 days old!) After the interview and driving back to Camp Hill where the concert was....we really felt that wasn't the church for us....it was sad and maybe we thought we were missing God on it....so we continued to pray....
Delirious was AWESOME! I LOVED IT!
THe day after we returned from Pennsylvania we received a phone call from the pastor saying that they had chosen someone else.... we already knew in our hearts this wasn't the place...but of course I was a little bummed.....I was so ready for change....
My kids missed me...that was nice to come home to though! :) The next day I was giving the youngest ones a bath! Not unusual, but this day was a little different. After I had given the kids a bath and got them dressed I went to empty the bath water out.....guess what I found.......
Well to make a long cell phone story short....We called Verizon and the lady told me if I could get it to turn on and call to get the insurance...then I might still be able to get it covered. No luck it would not turn on. SO........I baked my cell phone in my oven in a glass baking dish(without the battery) for 12 hours at 190 degrees, got it to turn on, called and got the insurance....got a new phone...and VOILA...I have a beautiful pink phone again! *sigh*
Anyway... back to Pennsylvania....I felt so bummed and empty about the situation...even though I knew that it wasn't God.....I needed change
SO......I decided to rearrange and change everything! It's the only way I could cope! :)
(to be coninued)
It's true. You guys must have had some kind of cell phone curse put on you!!! I've never heard of so many ways to lose a cell phone until I met you! Hahahaha! Anyway, I'm glad you got it all covered and you have your new phone now!
OH. MY. GOSH. You are so good to me. Funny thing: I had a dream last night that we were all back at the Indian and you, me and Faith couldn't find the boys. So we went down to the water and they were just coming back from fishing with Faith's dad. We helped them get off the boat, but they were all grown up (as were we). Sacapoontas was a man and it totally freaked me out! Hahaha! Isn't that funny! I've got to find that video and somehow put it on my blog. That's my new mission!
Love the new picture. It looks really good!
Wow! That IS quite a story. And what amazing cell phone misshaps! Hope things get better from here on out in that area of life. Thx for blogging cousin!
Yours truly, Ben Bale
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