We had such a wonderful Chritmas, pictures don't do it justice! This is only the second time since we have been married that we have had the Holroyd's together for Christmas. Adam's Grandma flew in from Arizona. Dan, Esther and their baby Katelyn drove up from Georgia....and Adam's parents are here in the states for Christmas for the first time in almost 5 years. Wow! It was a lot of fun! We got a video camera from my parents for Christmas this year so the digital got put aside. I should have taken a few more pics but here are some!
This is a house that is down the road fom us. It was so cool we just had to take a picture!
For Christmas Eve Adam's mom made all the kids jammies. They looked so cute! Here they are showing off their jammies!
This is Josiah's that was hiding in the play room. It is a huge electric race track! I think Adam and I had more fun playing with it than the kids did! :)
Ethan got the Mega T-Rex that roars and it's eyes light up! It's really cool!
we had an X-box with a game already plugged in and turned on. They were so excited and......daddy and the boys and uncle dan played it all day(not really happpy about that butwhat did i expect) BOYS WILL BE BOYS! (even the older ones). We got a really good deal on an x-box on ebay with 11 games controllers and everything for like 80 bucks! Josiah wanted it so bad! Here is a pic of the boys playing during the day.
Ellie got a beautiful wooden baby cradle with a baby doll, stroller and clothes for the baby. She loved it! I barely see her any more. She just plays with her dolls and feeds them and changes them all day. She is a little mommy already! IT's cute to see that after having all my busy boys!
This is my little neice Katelyn. SHe is a little dolly and this is the first time we got to see her since she was born. We had a lot of fun with Dan and Esther!
After Church we took pictures of the family...Here is one of our family and than everyone all together.
Merry Christmas! It looks like you had a great time for the holidays and all while having your in-laws there! What a feat that must have been! We were with my in-laws for the first time on Christmas day since 2000. It was nice but I was definately ready to leave. We were with my whole family for New Year's and again I was very ready to leave there too.
Happy New Year!
I love the picture of the whole fammily at the end. That's just so nice to be all together and have a chance to capture it on camera! And where on earth did you get the baby doll crib?!?!?! TOO CUTE!
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