Daddy's first attempt at giving Sam spaghetti to eat by himself....he looks like he has a beard! HA!

My life, my husband, my children, my friends, my family, my house, my car, my reputation, my bills, my integrity, my trust, my looks,my worries, my fears, my hurts, my wants, my needs! Mine...Mine...Mine...are really His...His...His...My GOD is MY Everything!
Posted by
11:08 PM
Posted by
10:06 AM
Josiah is just getting to big for his britches! Everything he asks I just get amazed at how he is growing up! It is so crazy! A 5 year old boy going on 10.
Ellie and Sam are just precious in here....and Adam and Ethan looked so cute in this picture I just had to put it in here!
THis is a picture of the basement. Eventually we will dry wall all the walls and finish it completely, but for now it does it's job. The big pole that is sticking out of the ceiling is going to be covered soon. It is at an angle so what we are planning on is drywalling around it and squaring it off and adding shelves to each side so we will have book shelves and toy shelves for the kids. To the right as you go farther down is the computer room and to the right....behind the wall...is the laundry room-storage-furnace/water heater room.
He is so cute!
Posted by
12:00 PM
This is my furniture! Adam went to pick up the dishwasher...so when he got home he said he needed some help. I went out, and there was my furniture! What a surprise...I wasn't expecting it until late June. He is so sweet! The curtains I am putting on the windows are cute. They are cream color and they are going to have chocolate brown tie ups. I am also getting a different end table and lamp. I needed something to put there for the time being but the lamp does look a little small for the furniture.
Here is my dishwasher! YAY! Now I won't have piles and piles of dirty dishes! That is a miracle in itself! I have been waiting almost 7 years for this moment!! :)
~Some more pictures of the furniture~
Posted by
11:47 AM
This is the upstairs half bath. See the closet to the right. It has another one on the other side that is even bigger. I put all of my linens and other stuff in it and it is still not full. I am going to keep this closet empty for my inlaws to put all of their clothes and stuff when they come to live with us for a little while while they look for a house! They will be here on the 24th! I am excited! They have been in Mexico for a few years and we haven't got to see them a lot. I am looking forward to it so much!!! God has given us an opportunity to work in ministry together! I am so excited about that!
This is Samue's room! I am not going to do anything in here until he moves to a big boy bed. Then I will probably decorate it in race cars...or whatever he is showing interest in at the time.
It is a cute little room, just big enough for a baby!This is the other side to the half bath with the other closet that you can't really see. It streches all the across the whole wall and is about 5 ft deep. Really nice!
This is another pic of the other side! We haven't painted anything upstairs yet. We figured we would just wait until next year and do it little by little.
Posted by
11:26 AM
This is the stair well...when you walk in the front door you face the dining room and the stairwell. Off to the right is a hallway. The door that is closed is our full bath. To the right of that is the boys room and to the left a little down the hall is Ellie's room. Upstairs is a very large half bath, the Mastor Bedroom and samuel's room.
This is a view of the dining room and far off the kitchen. As you can see the walls are painted a cappucino color and than I have one red accent wall in the dining room.
This is the living room. I do not have my furniture in yet...but will be getting it soon. I will put up more pictures as I get them.
Here is another shot of my deep chocolate wall. (I love that wall!) It needs to be touched up a little because of some scratches in the paint but other than that it is all done.
Another pic of the dining room....Anyway.... that is the downstairs of our house. The basement has the computer area, play area, family room, and behind a wall the laundry-water heater-furnace-storage room. It is the size of the floor above it. It is nice to have everything down the basement. The upstairs stays more clean that way! I put the pics in three separate posts.....so here are some more...
Posted by
12:28 AM
So Here is the messiest part of the kitchen so far but I wanted you to see where we will be putting in my dishwasher tomarrow! YAY! I need one so bad! Do you see that stack of clean dishes...they are from one day!! UGHH! Anyway, we took out two bottom cupboards and put in the little 9" cupboard next to the fridge. We moved the two cabinets to the bottom of the next picture, put in an 8 ft countertop and bought the matching top cabinets. Now I have a very nice buffet and countertop, with more cabinet space and we will be getting a couple stools to go in the middle for an eating place. We haven't painted the kitchen except for the back wall, and we still have to put up our base boards on the bottom but it's coming along.
This is a picture of the new countertop and cabinets where they used to have a table. You can see a little bit of our new wood laminate floor. It looks so nice now that the flooring is all done!
This is the new floor! It looks great and sweeps and mops real nice!
I forgot to tell everyone how God blessed us with practically brand new appliances! We looked on Ebay and found a brand new stove for 200 bucks and a $1600.00 fridge only two years old for 300. I was so greatful for getting such and awesome deal! Here is another pic of the other side if the kitchen.
This is our fridge! IT is so nice and BIG! It has so many compartments and drawers! It even has a drawer with humidity control! We also just got a dishwasher off of ebay for 75 dollars! And...they are all GE! God is Goood!
Posted by
11:47 PM
So this is the boys room...a Star wars room as you can see! It is very very blue. The wall opposite of this wall is black and I will be painting a mirale of Star Wars on it. Just to start I will be doing the stars and the star wars words on the bottom of the wall. They love their room!
This is the full bath....we have a huge half bath upstairs with 2 huge walk in closets. It is so big I am not sure what to do with all the space. I'm sure once it's completely organized I will figure it out! :)
This is Ellie and Samuel sitting on Ellie's bed while mommy is taking pictures! They are so funny. They just followed me around while I snapped the pics of the house. The boys had gone to the church with Adam, so I had a little lighter load that day!
This is the other wall in the boys room and their cool lamp with the blue light bulbs in it. They are so proud of their lamp and Josiah picked out the blue light bulbs!
This is Ellie's Room! It is very bright and she tells me everyday "Mommy, Ellie room
beautiful!" She is so funny!
Posted by
10:41 PM
I just want to make an announcement to the world! Katelyn Ruth was born on May 8, at around 5:30 or so p.m. She is such a cutie and I am so excited for Adam's sister Esther and her husband Dan. Congratulations!! Anyway here she is!!
PS. I got my digital camera in the mail yesterday!!! YAY! Now I just have to find the plug in cord to the computer which is in a box somewhere or buy a new one so pictures of the house are coming soon!
Posted by
10:37 AM