Heavenly Father,
I know you love me and take care of me! I know you love my family and my children! I know you are an all knowing God and you hear and see everything. Help me! Help me to trust you in every single situation in my life. Help me to know and believe you are always by my side guiding me every step of the way. When troubles come my way, help me to look to you and not look to what the enemy can do. Help me to fear nothing, knowing that"Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world! Help me believe and claim the word! My God shall supply all my needs! You are my fortress, my deliverer, the one who I come to in times of need! You are a worthy King above all kings! There is no other name in heaven, on earth and below the earth. You are high and exalted, OH LORD! Thank you for providing! Thank you for caring for me far beyond what I could ever ask or imagine! I am your daughter! I am your child! I crawl into your arms, wanting to be held and knowing you are there! I love you! I love you FATHER! Hear me when I call to you and answer me. Teach me your ways so that I may have wisdom and understanding. You know my hearts cry! You know how I long for you! Help me in these times to understand your ways! Help me to have a peace that passath all my understanding of the way You do things. Be my healer! MY LORD! I long for a miraculous touch from heaven! Your timing is perfect your timing is right! Thank you for answering my prayers! You are a Marvelous God! You heard me when I cried! You did not let me give up. You were there in the midst following me all my days. Even when I was young and childish, you still upheld me. When I turned away from You, You were there carrying me through! Thank you for your everlasting love! For your PEACE! For your JOY! Thank you for filling me and giving me a fresh start today and every day! You are a Holy God!! In the Name of Jesus Christ! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 26, 2005
My worries, my fears, OH LORD be my Rock!
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3:03 PM
The Refinery makes it's debut!
So today we had our first service for the Refinery! We had almost 30 people in my house! It was crazy! We made the famous Holroyd enchiladas! They were very yummy!!!!
Although, they are more "Americanized" enchiladas, our friend Dina who is hispanic said that they were very good! We need to get a building so bad! But...will continue to meet in the house until God provides otherwise. We served a dinner and had worship and preaching, teaching or whatever you would like to call it! I did kids church and we had to go upstairs because it was raining! ( we were originally going outside) Anyway, we learned about Noah and the ark and I made an ark out of my boys bunkbeds with steps going to the bottom bed. We had another Jessica flicker the lights to pretend it was raining and lightning. It was fun because I had them act out the senario. I also had a coloring page and we made rainbows out of ribbed paper plates. It was cool! We had some people show up for the free food, and then left but hope they will come back and sometime maybe stay for the service eventually. We'll just keep loving on them. Anyways here are some pics!
Here are my beautiful babies! I wish I had a digital camera so I could catch every moment but I don't! Eventually some day!This is Samuel and I! It was taken almost 2 months ago now and he's getting so huge. He used to be in the -10 % for weight and in one month he was so hungry he jumped to the 50%. It was so crazy! I had to supplement him with formula because I couldn't keep up...even with solid food.
Here he is again! He was 2 months preemie and now look!
Last pic! It is the building we are looking at for the Refinery! Yeah!! God will make a way.
It was a busy day today...and I feel wore out, but good! We are finally starting!
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1:58 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
So I created another BLOG! (I'm addicted)
It's crazy, I know! But hey!
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10:54 AM